
Stop Saying Yes To Shit You Hate

Introverts, codependents, perfectionists,  and people pleasers that goes for you. Tis’ always the season for bulldozing boundaries, but know that you always have a choice in the matter. We sometimes put pleasing others before ourselves because we feel like we need their approval; we don’t. Know your worth. Stop saying yes to shit you hate. Your time is your life; choose wisely.

Boundary execution is often easier said than done but with a little time and practice, you got this. You have to start somewhere my lovely. Start small by beginning to notice when you are saying yes to things out of obligation or to meet the needs of others. Be protective of your time. Ask yourself who does saying yes benefit?

Practice saying no. Say no, and say no often. Wait, but what about being a good person, helping others, and all of that? Where is the line between helping others and self sacrifice arice. The long answer is, it depends.

Everyone is different. You have to know who you are to know your limits and what you need more or less of in your life. Sounds simple but because our needs change and grow along with our lives, it’s not always easy. Self-discovery work is common in my sessions and, I believe, necessary to develop effective boundaries.

Here’s my quick and easy litmus test: How does saying yes feel in your body? Are you sacrificing your own needs to please someone else? And when all else fails start by saying “maybe” or “let me think about it”. By deferring your answer you’re buying yourself some time to think. You can always follow-up with a polite no later.

If you like to get started setting boundaries and could use some help or support give me a call. I love guiding and empowering givers to steal back pieces of their lives to find peace and satisfaction.
